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Jenny Zarak

Content Specialist

FARGO, ND Region 5 Region

(217) 418-8123

Miles willing to travel
Time of day
Schedule Availability
Both weekdays and weekends
Primary Language
Training Language(s)

Trainer Credentials

Physical activity expert who advises on best practices, SEL integration into physical activities, and curriculum.

Age Group Expertise

Three Year Olds (starting at 36 months) Four Year Olds (starting at 48 months) Five Year Olds (starting at 60 months) Elementary (6-12 years) Middle (6th - 8th grade) Secondary (High School) Adults

Core Competency Area

  • Health, Safety, and Nutrition
  • Learning Environments And Curriculum

Other Competencies

Center Staff Directors and Administrators Head Start Training Experience with Adult Learners

Higher Education

Bachelor's Degree
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Double Major: Communication Disorders; Psychology
Bachelor's Degree
Westfield State College
Movement Science with a concentration in Secondary Physical Education, Teacher Licensure (5-12)
Master's Degree
Bridgewater State College
Physical Education with a concentration in Sport and Human Performance
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kinesiology with a concentration in Physical Education teacher Education